How to Whiten Skin Naturally and Fast for women in particular. Everyone would want to have white skin and a radiant, whether it was a man or a woman. Has a white skin radiant make someone feel PD with skin in the possessed. Sometimes a lot of women buy cosmetics at a very high price for the purpose of whitening the skin. But it is actually harmful to our skin, of course. Why is it harmful? Because the powder or cosmetics that we buy do not fit or do not fit with our skin, so it will cause irritation, pimples popping up and so forth. Buy cosmetics risk is very big in my opinion, because now a lot of sellers of illegal cosmetic alias naughty.
If you want to have white skin smooth and radiant, the proper way is you have to use traditional materials or natural, such as tomatoes, jicama, lime, cucumber, potato and rice water. Using natural materials also does not take a lot of cost in compare if you must buy a cosmetic powder, but if you want to wear this traditional material or natural you should make it a face mask that is ready to use. Sure, using natural materials that complicated to be done, but from natural ingredients is what will make your skin white blush. If you want to instantly then my advice is that you should go to a dermatologist. Let us directly to the core of the discussion is Whiten Skin Naturally.
Whiten the face naturally using the material:
1. Tomatoes
Tomato itself has the Latin name Solanum lycopersicum syn or also Lycopersicum esculentum. Tomato fruit does have benefits for the beauty of the face, so do not be surprised if a lot of the women who use it as a facial mask Tomatoes naturally. Tomato fruit itself contains vitamin C and E which, when used as a face mask will give satisfactory results, the face becomes clean and white blush.
How to use tomatoes as a face mask:
a.) First take Tomato fruit of the seeds, and then washed thoroughly so that the content of pesticides in tomatoes will be lost.
b.) Tomatoes split into two parts and rub into the face to the neck.
c.) Let stand at least 15 minutes.
d.) Do it every day.
2. Yam
Anyone here who does not know at the Yam? Most people would already know yam and benefits. Yam itself is used for facial beauty that created masks. Manfaat dari buah Bengkuan ini sangat banyak sekali, di antaranya adalah: Mengatasi penyakit kuli, mencerahkan kuli, menghilangkan flek-flek hitam, mengencangkan kulit dan menurunkan kadar kolestrol darah dan masih banyak lagi yang lainnya. Well of benefits yam has many uses that are not wrong if yam itself is used for facial beauty, especially a woman.
How to use Bengkoang as a face mask:
a.) Take the fruit Bengkoang
b.) Peel the skin of cassava until it is clean and dry.
c.) After the last wash at the grated fruit Jicama
d.) Separate the water with fruit Bengkoang already grated earlier
e.) After the split next step is to download the deposition fruit Jicama that has been separated earlier.
f.) After that stage then apply to your face earlier precipitate
g.) Let stand for 15 minutes in length
h.) Once it's been 15 minutes now flush with water until clean.
3. Lime
Lime namely Oranges are widely used by humans to be made in medicine and so on. Lime itself has the characteristics of skin color round and there are green and some yellow. In addition to the use as a drug Lime can also be used as a beverage. Benefits of Lime is very much at all, among which are Treating coughs, sore throats and override the digestion. Additionally Lime can also help to reduce excessive acne, skin whitening and also to drive away dull skin.
How to use Lime as a face mask:
a.) Take a piece of fruit Lime course
b.) Iris Lime or squeeze up water from Lime exit
c.) Apply it to your face, especially that there are acne
d.) Let stand for 15 minutes
e.) Rinse with cold water and in the lab wearing towel
f.) Do it every day if you want to get a glowing white face
4. Cucumber
Cucumber or Latin is often called by the name of Cucumis sativus L. Cucumber has tremendous benefits for your skin, besides the cucumber itself also can be made as vegetables. Indeed, this one fruit has many functions once, Cucumber has vitamins including vitamin A vitamin D is vitamin B-12 and calcium. Now in view of the vitamins alone can we use for our skin bleaching. Okay, then we just headed to use it.
How to use Cucumber as a face mask:
a.) Prepare Cucumber fruit and wash it first before use
b.) Prepare Lime water and egg white
c.) Later in the blender first fruit Cucumbers are just now in the wash so much smoother.
d.) Discard the pulp from the fruit blender earlier Cucumber
e.) Add water Lime and white eggs
f.) Before using it would be nice if you wash your face using warm water.
g.) Having already washed and then apply Cucumbers are already in a blender before
h.) Let stand for 15 minutes
i.) After 15 minutes wash your face now and in the lab using a towel.
j.) Do it every day with regular
The benefits of this Cucumber Fruit when used regularly for a face mask will give a satisfactory result, the skin will become brighter, firmer, damp and of course your skin will be moist.
5. Potato
Potatoes or the Latin language is Solanum tuberosum L. potato itself contain carbohydrates and high water content, vitamin C and vitamin B1, phosphorus, potassium and iron. These potatoes have a multi Functions. For example, the benefits of the potato itself is as skin care, used for anti-inflammation, improving the digestive system, weight gain and many more. But here I will talk about the benefits of potatoes as the beauty of your skin. Okay now we go into how to use potatoes as a face mask.
How to use potatoes as a face mask:
a.) Take 1 seed potatoes to be used as a face mask you
b.) After that peeled and wash them clean
c.) The Potato Puree, can use a blender or the like tool
d.) Once you puree can add a little honey to the results of potatoes that have been in the blender
e.) Well Potato mask you've now finished. Now on to the stage of use.
f.) Before using it would be nice if you wash your face first
g.) After washing the face apply a mask to the face of your Chips
i.) Allow to 15 minutes in length
j.) Wash the face when it was 15 Menti and in the lab using a towel
6. Rice Water
Rice water itself can also be used to make a face mask so that the face becomes white and radiant. Benefits of rice water is very much at all, among which, tighten pores, brighten skin tone, softens the porters, the regeneration of cell growth, prevent hyper-pigmentation and thus protects the skin.
How to Use Water Rice for a face mask:
a.) Before using a mask like this one usually first you must wash your face.
b.) Take a cotton swab and dip it in the water rice
c.) basuhkan all over your face until evenly
d.) Then let the rice water work by itself
e.) After washing your face with water.
f.) Then wash using a towel
Well that is the traditional materials used to whiten the face naturally and quickly, especially for women. Besides the benefits of traditional materials or in the call as a natural ingredient has many benefits for your skin and also free of preservatives.
How to use tomatoes as a face mask:
a.) First take Tomato fruit of the seeds, and then washed thoroughly so that the content of pesticides in tomatoes will be lost.
b.) Tomatoes split into two parts and rub into the face to the neck.
c.) Let stand at least 15 minutes.
d.) Do it every day.
2. Yam
Anyone here who does not know at the Yam? Most people would already know yam and benefits. Yam itself is used for facial beauty that created masks. Manfaat dari buah Bengkuan ini sangat banyak sekali, di antaranya adalah: Mengatasi penyakit kuli, mencerahkan kuli, menghilangkan flek-flek hitam, mengencangkan kulit dan menurunkan kadar kolestrol darah dan masih banyak lagi yang lainnya. Well of benefits yam has many uses that are not wrong if yam itself is used for facial beauty, especially a woman.
How to use Bengkoang as a face mask:
a.) Take the fruit Bengkoang
b.) Peel the skin of cassava until it is clean and dry.
c.) After the last wash at the grated fruit Jicama
d.) Separate the water with fruit Bengkoang already grated earlier
e.) After the split next step is to download the deposition fruit Jicama that has been separated earlier.
f.) After that stage then apply to your face earlier precipitate
g.) Let stand for 15 minutes in length
h.) Once it's been 15 minutes now flush with water until clean.
3. Lime
Lime namely Oranges are widely used by humans to be made in medicine and so on. Lime itself has the characteristics of skin color round and there are green and some yellow. In addition to the use as a drug Lime can also be used as a beverage. Benefits of Lime is very much at all, among which are Treating coughs, sore throats and override the digestion. Additionally Lime can also help to reduce excessive acne, skin whitening and also to drive away dull skin.
How to use Lime as a face mask:
a.) Take a piece of fruit Lime course
b.) Iris Lime or squeeze up water from Lime exit
c.) Apply it to your face, especially that there are acne
d.) Let stand for 15 minutes
e.) Rinse with cold water and in the lab wearing towel
f.) Do it every day if you want to get a glowing white face
4. Cucumber
Cucumber or Latin is often called by the name of Cucumis sativus L. Cucumber has tremendous benefits for your skin, besides the cucumber itself also can be made as vegetables. Indeed, this one fruit has many functions once, Cucumber has vitamins including vitamin A vitamin D is vitamin B-12 and calcium. Now in view of the vitamins alone can we use for our skin bleaching. Okay, then we just headed to use it.
How to use Cucumber as a face mask:
a.) Prepare Cucumber fruit and wash it first before use
b.) Prepare Lime water and egg white
c.) Later in the blender first fruit Cucumbers are just now in the wash so much smoother.
d.) Discard the pulp from the fruit blender earlier Cucumber
e.) Add water Lime and white eggs
f.) Before using it would be nice if you wash your face using warm water.
g.) Having already washed and then apply Cucumbers are already in a blender before
h.) Let stand for 15 minutes
i.) After 15 minutes wash your face now and in the lab using a towel.
j.) Do it every day with regular
The benefits of this Cucumber Fruit when used regularly for a face mask will give a satisfactory result, the skin will become brighter, firmer, damp and of course your skin will be moist.
5. Potato
Potatoes or the Latin language is Solanum tuberosum L. potato itself contain carbohydrates and high water content, vitamin C and vitamin B1, phosphorus, potassium and iron. These potatoes have a multi Functions. For example, the benefits of the potato itself is as skin care, used for anti-inflammation, improving the digestive system, weight gain and many more. But here I will talk about the benefits of potatoes as the beauty of your skin. Okay now we go into how to use potatoes as a face mask.
How to use potatoes as a face mask:
a.) Take 1 seed potatoes to be used as a face mask you
b.) After that peeled and wash them clean
c.) The Potato Puree, can use a blender or the like tool
d.) Once you puree can add a little honey to the results of potatoes that have been in the blender
e.) Well Potato mask you've now finished. Now on to the stage of use.
f.) Before using it would be nice if you wash your face first
g.) After washing the face apply a mask to the face of your Chips
i.) Allow to 15 minutes in length
j.) Wash the face when it was 15 Menti and in the lab using a towel
6. Rice Water
Rice water itself can also be used to make a face mask so that the face becomes white and radiant. Benefits of rice water is very much at all, among which, tighten pores, brighten skin tone, softens the porters, the regeneration of cell growth, prevent hyper-pigmentation and thus protects the skin.
How to Use Water Rice for a face mask:
a.) Before using a mask like this one usually first you must wash your face.
b.) Take a cotton swab and dip it in the water rice
c.) basuhkan all over your face until evenly
d.) Then let the rice water work by itself
e.) After washing your face with water.
f.) Then wash using a towel
Well that is the traditional materials used to whiten the face naturally and quickly, especially for women. Besides the benefits of traditional materials or in the call as a natural ingredient has many benefits for your skin and also free of preservatives.
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